Saturday, September 26, 2009

USSB Clean/Green Initiative on FOX News

Yesterday I got a call from a T.V. news reporter who had read the story about our Clean/Green Fund project in the Daily Sound. She came right over to do interview me and Geoff Green from the Fund for Santa Barbara (our collaborator on this project). When we were done with the interviews the reporter wanted to go up on the roof to get some shots of the panels, but when she saw how high the ladder was, her fear of heights took over. I was already up there, however, so she passed the rest of the equipment up to me, told me how to use it step by step from below - and then I shot the rooftop footage myself!

I have to say that never in a thousand years did I expect to contribute camera work to the evening news! :)

Anyway, see below for the finished product. To the right of the text is a link to the video newscast:

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