Wednesday, August 15, 2007

While we're on the topic of Quanitfying the Unquantifiable...

I have always been a sucker for real-time counters. For example, when I lived in New York City as a young man, my friends and I used to go down to Times Square and just watch the numbers roll on by. Of course now they are rolling by faster than ever, and soon the clock will run out of room altogether.

But after that last post, I find myself full of awe (and anxiety) at the effectiveness of such counters. I like 'em a lot - and so I thought I would add a couple of my recent favorites.

The first one, at National ( is a counter I have been watching since the very beginning of the Iraq war. It not only tracks the financial costs of the war, which are mind-blowing - but also puts in in perpective by looking at how that same amount of money could be spent differently.

The second is one a friend emailed me a couple weeks ago. I didn't think much of it at first, but it has grown on me since, and I find it eerily fascinating. Neither are for the faint-at-heart, but I encourage you to check them out anyway. Iwould also welcome your recommendations for similar counters, which you can post in the "Comments" section of this post!

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